Sunday, April 22, 2012

Lost in Afghanistan Review


On Friday, I went to watch The International Center for the Study of Terrorism's Event, "Lost in Afghanistan" with my friend Cristina, who is also studying International Politics. We arrived at the Lewis-Katz Building (aka the law school) and entered into the auditorium that was hosting the event and were delighted to find out that we were able to speak to the speaker, Jack Segal.  Segal is now an independent consultant and lecturer at the National Defense University in D.C.  He served in Vietnam and has since worked in the National Security Council during the Clinton administration and was also senior political adviser to the NATO commander in charge of Afghanistan.
The event started promptly at 6 p.m. and was very enlightening.  Afghanistan has been on the news a lot recently, and I felt it would be a great opportunity to learn more about what is going on there, since I am mainly interested in European and South American politics and government.
The event was definitely worth going to.  It was evident that Segal was extremely knowledgeable on the subject of American influence on Afghanistan and the effects our counter-insurgency (military tactic that the U.S. is using right now for the region) will have in the future.
After the lecture, there was a reception with delicious food that I rarely get to enjoy during my college days.  There was crab cakes, homemade pita chips and mango sauce, spanakopitas, chimichurri meatballs, the most delicious chocolate chip cookies I have ever tasted.  (Yes, even better than West Dining Halls).
After eating, Cristina and I went to go talk to  ICST's director, John Horgan and he told us that for next semester they have a former terrorist coming to speak, as well as a former CIA agent.
Overall, it was a great event, and I'll surely be attending most of ICST's events for next semester which you can find here.

Below, is a YouTube video about the U.S.'s counter-insurgency strategy, just in case you are interested.

Hope you all enjoy the last of the weekend.


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